Tips on Building a Fish Pond in your Backyard
The backyard fish pond has always been ascetically pleasing to the eye. The sight of water is both relaxing and peaceful.
Picking a Spot
Your pond doesn’t have to be in the center of your yard. It can be in a corner as well. Some people that put ponds in corners tend to make them a little higher than the rest of the yard.
The most common type of fish in a backyard pond is usually the koi. But don’t rule out the ordinary goldfish.
Two of the most important characteristics of the fish you get are how much space they need and how long they will live. For example, koi are big fish. Therefore it stands to reason that they need a lot of living space. If you don’t accommodate this, they may have shorter lifespans because of it.
Want to build your own fish pond? Here are a few things to consider.
Picking a Spot
Your pond doesn’t have to be in the center of your yard. It can be in a corner as well. Some people that put ponds in corners tend to make them a little higher than the rest of the yard.
What Types of Fish
The most common type of fish in a backyard pond is usually the koi. But don’t rule out the ordinary goldfish.
Two of the most important characteristics of the fish you get are how much space they need and how long they will live. For example, koi are big fish. Therefore it stands to reason that they need a lot of living space. If you don’t accommodate this, they may have shorter lifespans because of it.
Goldfish are much less expensive and require less space. But anyone who has gotten a goldfish at a neighborhood fair knows that they don’t always live long.
With an outdoor pond, you are at the mercy of the elements. Or rather, your fish are. Keep in mind the temperature of your location in relation to the plants and fish in your pond. For example, if you live in a place that gets cold in the winter (as most places do), you may have to transfer your plants and fish indoors.
The Surrounding Landscape
The last thing you want is a carefully designed pond in the middle of a boring yard. Your yard landscaping should add to the ascetic quality, not detract from it. In addition to making your yard look nice, the addition of plants and flowers will attract birds, which will add to the ambiance.
Periodic Maintenance
You shouldn’t have a lot of maintenance with it, but keep an eye on the water level. If you live in a warm climate, your water may evaporate quickly and you may need to add more over time. Also try to keep your pond free of falling leaves which will decay and muddy up the water.
So if you spend a lot of time relaxing in your backyard, try putting in a fish pond to complement that tranquil setting.